The Auction house (access with /ah) is an area where you can sell or purchase some of the rarest items found on the server.

Buying and Selling

  • /ah will open the auction house
  • Hold the item and run /ah sell <price> to sell an item
    • Note: This price is for the whole stack of items you are listing! For example, if you run this command while holding 10x Slot bot tickets, They will sell in the same stack for the price you specified
  • Click an item and confirm to purchase items
  • When your item sells, you will get a notification in chat and money in your balance
  • If your item does not sell, it will be placed in your /ah collection
    • Items in /ah collection will be lost after one day, make sure to claim them!
  • Click the ender chest to view and collect your active, canceled, or expired items
  • Click the name tag to filter by a specified seller's name
  • Click the Anvil to filter by a specified item name
  • Click the green book to view items by their categories
  • Number of listings that you can personally post is dependent on your current rank:
    • Trainee: 1
    • 1st Tier: 4
    • 2nd Tier: 7
    • 3rd Tier: 10

Auction House History

Ever wonder who has been purchasing your items off of the /ah, or what items your fellow island members have been selling on /ah? Well now you can with Auction house History!

  • /ah history will show all sold items recently
  • /ah search <item name> will show all specific items sold recently
  • /ah history <name> will show recent items sold by that player