The Gem Forge is your one-stop-shop for gems. Here you can examine, apply, or remove enchant gems
Examing Gems
- Left-click your mystery gems to add them to the examine GUI
- If you change your mind and do not want to examine your gems, you can click click the gems in the GUI to take them back
- Click the Confirm Discovery button on the GUI to examine your mystery gems!
- Examing gems costs XP, so make sure you come prepared!
- Once examined, the gems will reveal their enchantments and break chance before being placed in your inventory
Tier | Cost |
Stone | 1,000 XP
Iron | 5,000 XP
Diamond | 50,000 XP
Applying Gems
- Click the desired gem you want to apply
- Click the desired piece you want to apply the enchantment to
- Note that the piece you want to apply it to must have the correct Sockets applied beforehand!
- Click the Confirm apply button on the GUI to apply your gem to your
- Applying gems costs XP, so make sure you come prepared!
Tier | Cost |
Stone | 1,000+ XP
Iron | 10,000+ XP
Diamond | 100,000+ XP
Removing Gems
- Click the desired piece you want to remove enchantments from
- Click the desired gem you want to remove from the piece
- There is no confirmation for removing gems -- Make sure you don't misclick!
- The selected gem will be removed with the same percentage as it was applied and placed in your inventory